Local Search Network Q&A

Q1. Do I Need a Website?

No, we provide everything that you require to dominate local search for you keyword.

Q2. But I have a website already?

That is great, it tells us that you are aware that the Internet can assist your business growth and we can probably help you improve your generic rankings. But we are aiming to dominate local search for your top keyword, and we do that on pages that we develop especially for that purpose.

Q3. Am I tied to a lengthy contract?

No, you can leave at any time, we charge monthly, that is your maximum commitment.

Q4. How much traffic can I expect?

The popularity of a keyword is one of our key starting points but this does vary from trade to trade. Your local catchment area can also play a significant part in the number of searches made.

Q5. Who is behind the 'Local Search Network'?

iShop Limited. They have had over 12 years experience online in the 'e-commerce' sector and it was them that discovered the key elements that are required for you to succeed locally.

Q6. What is 'Google Maps?'

It is a web mapping service provide by Google that drive many map-based services. Google overlay local businesses just like yours so that local searchers can easily locate you and provide these results at the top of the search engine results pages. Similar results are seen on ‘Yahoo’ and ‘Bing’ for local search results.

Q7. What is 'Google Local Search'?

This applies to any search that refers to a trade or service that the searcher is likely (according to Google) to be more interested in the local area, rather than a nationwide or global search.

Q8. What guarantee do I have?

We obviously can’t guarantee that Google will list you but we guarantee you only pay us if you appear on the first page of Google for local searches.